The resveratrolo safeguards the brain
Chinese scholars have discovered another healthy effect of resveratrolo, the poliphenol that make so healthy the wine and the peel of each grape. At the Zhengzhou University the researchers have discovered the way and why the natural substance participate positively on the flow of blood protecting the brain from oxidizing stress and distancing the vascular dementia, the Alzheimer but also Parkinson and Huntington.
The resveratrolo effects are surprising on memory and learning. The researchers tested it on animals. For some of them with the illness of vascular dementia, the poliphenol actively contribute to contrast the decline of blood vessels.
The “biotech wine” anti-parasitic
Some researchers of the Monaco University are sure that to accelerate the growth of the grapevine without insects or fungus it is necessary to look inside the grape: a double gene mutation of DNA. Is inside a precise point of his genetic heritage that the scholars of the Institute for Gravepine Breeding JKI have observed the cause that make weak shoots and grapes.
Very important for the long story of the grapes growing was in 1800 the arrival of two grapes-parasitic, an aphid and a fungus, coming from the New World and that destroyed the greater part of production, especially the French one. The modern gene techniques allowed to rebuild everything. The study results reveal that some scholars disagree with them as far as the control in laboratory of the “gene power” of plants is concerned. A revolution involving not only taste and scent inside the bottle but also the healthy features of the wine in our glasses.
The red wine against the multiple sclerosis
According to the research of the Utah University shown at the Montreal World Congress on the treatment of multiple sclerosis, the red wine could have positive effects even on the sclerosis thanks to the “resveratrolo”, a substance that other studies associated with more longevity.
In unFollowing an experimentation on rats with multiple sclerosis illness, American scholars observed that they put on weight after giving resveratrolo. “An encouraging sign for the disease treatment” as asserted John Richert, executive vice president for the research and the clinical plan of Multiple Sclerosis Society.
A glass of wine extend your lifetime
A glass of wine for him and half glass for her a day in a right dose extend your lifetime. Men gain 1,3 years of life. Women more than men 1,5 years. This result has been confirmed by a scientific study done by the Italian scholars Nicola Orsini and Andrea Bellavia for the Karolinska Institute of Stockholm.
The research (based on data given by 67 thousand people) analyzed the daily consumption of wine in different age groups evaluating the relation between the alcohol consumption and longevity. The result is that in 15 years of monitoring men with a consumption of about one glass a day live 1,3 years more than who doesn’t drink. At the same time, women with a daily consumption of half glass of wine live about 1,5 years more than who doesn’t drink. It seems to be thanks to the healthy effects of antioxidants as the “resveratolo”, a powerful poliphenol that safeguards the flow of blood.